Monday, December 16, 2013

Does drinking through a straw age you?

Can one harmless habit like sipping through a drinking straw age you? 

Since recently having clear braces, I started drinking through straws to help eliminate stains from getting on my teeth and my braces. Besides I really hate drinking out of cups…so not lady like to me (personal OCD), lol! Anyways,  I never thought about this very regular habit actually prematurely aging the skin around the mouth!

So finally, the answer is…yes, repeated straw drinking causes people to purse their lips and can create wrinkles from the repetitive muscle motion. Much like frowning causes wrinkles on the forehead. Any repetitive movement can increase the risk of wrinkles. Smoking causes an even deeper crease and wrinkles around the mouth. 
Overall in my opinion, I believe it's safe to say that we should all avoid straws altogether if possible and just make sure your cup is clean or use a spoon if it's a milkshake. :)

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